Need a Workaround on Dynamic Select Menu

I need to create either a Dynamic Dropdown Menu or Radio Button Select Menu

The Options Properties only allow picking the Value of 1 Field as a visible Description of that Option

But I was expecting that I could hit a + button and add some more fields from my Events Table so that Select Menu showed Date, Hotel, Day, Address & City.

But Wappler only allows One field for the DESCRIPTION in that Options Menu

So I tried creating a new Query with Concat to put those separate fields together for a complete Options Menu Description of the Event

However now the Date information is UnFormatted for the German web Day-Month-Year

Since Wappler doesn’t by default allow choosing multiple fields to create a Dropdown Menu
what is the best workaround that I can do

that gives me back a German Date formatted value inside the Menu Options display while also showing the other necessary information – Date, Hotel, Day, Address & City – in the Options Menu?

I don’t find this mentioned in past forums or in Tutorials for dynamic options.

Thank you!

Looks like you are showing a select element, but your text indicates a Drop Down Menu, so here is an example of a dynamic dropdown menu.

The overall structure:

With a Dropdown Menu element with a repeat added:

And selecting the Text by combining elements from the repeat:

You would probably want spaces or some other delimiter between those fields, but you can add that as needed. The UI grouped everything because of how I selected these but I usually just type these in manually.