Mutiple Filtering and showing in a Table

Hi i have 3 mysql tables wich contacts below.

1 table - user location
2 table - route
3 table - vehicle details

im getting user location when user login, then i query the route databased and look for the user location and get the id from the records. I’m getting multiple values which is fine and loading in the table successfully.

now i want to get those route id and query vehicle details database and get the multiple vehicles details which match the route id, i mange to load the records to a table . but the problem is records are overwriting , i don’t know how to create multiple records. i can see table loading records and overwriting.

how to solve this?

how to pass multiple values to variable and load multiple records to table or a list. so the user can select a vehicle to book

any one?
this is urgent plz

Hi @mevanpl , It’s not really clear in your initial post as what you are trying to do or that you are stuck with. Not sure what you mean by overwriting?

Hi , i want to filter data source with variable.
when i filter data base shows 2 records. can i use that 2 records to filter another database?