Multiple innerjoins from the same table

A video might explain my problem better

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Thank you for your answer.

But I need two different results from the same table for two different assignees

What is the exact problem you are facing, aren’t you able to add the user table for a second time in the querybuilder or does it return incorrect result?

I’ve been able to add 2 joins from the same table with no problems.

This is exactly what doesn’t work for me.

Thx, so you are able to add the join but it doesn’t return the expected result. Is it possible that the event manager is empty (null) in that project, using an inner join would then return nothing. Try using left join instead.

the field has dates

when I insert a second innerjoin, nothing is displayed anymore. The other data in the action also disappears

If you inspect the data returned by the server action before you added the second inner join, what value did it return for the manager_event field? Is it possible that the specific id in the manager_event field is missing in the users table.

These kind of joins I would always use left join instead of inner join so that the main table data is always loaded even if the join data is missing.

no, the result is ok.

I also tried left join.
If I add another join, all the other results disappear as well

now it works,
Thanks a Lot!