Multiple cart... it's possible?

In your opinion is it possible that in a checkout page there are more carts? (all managed by Data Store Component)
I know the question sounds strange, I explain better.
I did an order creation page for some retailers. Each retailer inserts orders for their customers, following a wizard puts the goods in the cart. Each order remains “suspended” until the last completion click is made and the data is written in the DB (important: I do not handle payments).
But I have an additional need: if the customer has for example three orders “suspended” would like to be able to still edit them, each independently. Right now, the Data Store Component won’t let me.
How can I deal with this?
To make the cart I followed obviously your tutorial.

Given your use case, I would suggest to store the cart information in DB, instead of storing on browser level.
Keep the info in a secondary table, and move it to primary table on completion.

In data store, you can create an additional field for each row of data, where it contains customer ID.
Then, use that to filter and show cart information for each customer.

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It’s a solution that i hadn’t considered. Thank you @sid . I’ll try