Multi step form with disabled next button

I think this is probably done with a variable of sorts, but I cannot think how to.

I have a multi step form(wizard) and I only want to enable the next button if the fields on the specific step has been filled. These fields are select, input, radio and checkboxes on 3 different steps.

Any way to do that?

I am going to add hidden input fields, one for each field user has to fill to validate and these inputs with have value of their shown fields.

Then I am going to make the next button a submit button to validate fields. If fields are validated the hidden fields will obviously have their shown counter parts’ values.

I will then either use the hidden or shown fields to insert/update the record.

And maybe split the multi step into separate forms as well. All the hidden fields will be in the final form that posts.

Any other suggestions welcome :slight_smile:

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How would you go about running the form input validations (like required fields) before the next button adds 1 to step variable and hides the fields previous step fields.