Multi checkbox form group bug - impossible to use repeat

Wappler Version : 7.0.0 beta 14
Operating System : windows 11 64 bit.
Server Model: node.js
Database Type: sqlite
Hosting Type: local

Expected behavior

checkbox values should be pulled dynamically from database tables.


Actual behavior

checkbox values are not pulled dynamically, repear function only pulls 1 value and duplicates it.

How to reproduce

  1. I have a simple database quarry "zcity.json"to pull all of the cities from the DB table:
  2. I have server connect app to linked to this simple server action.
  3. I add "multi checkbox form group", type "checkbox group". on an element "Checkbox Control" I did "Dynamic attributes - repeat" and selected this server connect "zcity.json" query. On checkbox input I selected "dynamic attributes - input - name" and selected this vertical form group repeat - checkbox control - city.
  4. I selected "Form label" "Dynamic attributes - display - inner text" and selected this vertical form group repeat - checkbox control - city.
    In the result I'm getting only the first city or the city with city_id: 1.
    Code looks like this:


I've tried everything and it coes not work, when I change the code manually instead of "zcity_filter_input1_group.repeat4[0].city" and "zcity_filter_input1_group.repeat4[0].city" to "city" it starts working.

Try to use city instead of zcity_filter_input1_group.repeat4[0].city

so this is bug that it does not work from the UI? I do not know if it would work in a long term while using just "city" that comes from where?

@Notum is correct here..
city is the value from the repeat
This could be a indeed a bug, because on the UI, doesn't seem to be any repeated region :thinking:

Quick Explanation of Wappler's Logic/Approach/Philosophy:
When working with arrays, repeats, or collections in Wappler, it's essential to reference the object or key inside the array/repeat/collection rather than the entire array.

In the example you provided:
This points to the first record in the array (arrays are zero-indexed) and outputs the value of the city key.

However, what you need to do is select the entire repeat element:
Then, you can output specific keys, like city, from the repeated data.

Sometimes, Wappler may mistakenly interpret your intention and output the entire array instead of just the desired element.

I’ve done my best to explain this clearly.

@franse @Notum thank you, I managed to get it to work, but did lots of manual work, wather I do not know wappler this good or it has serious buggs. I manualy set the values to "city", instead of selecting from the UI (because it does not work properly). also the checkboxes does not contain values even when corrected to "city" manualy. So I set it manual again:

is wappler works that way or it's completely bugged in using repeats?