MP4 Videos do not play in the Background

Wappler shows the animation live. See below:

This is what it looks like when selecting view in browser or selecting the QR code.

What is missing?

Please check your browser console for errors. Also please provide a link to your page where we can check this.

This is the error under Canvases: (I pressed Import, selected the movie, and no success)

This is the console view. (Tried clicking on the link with no success.) FYI. I am running BS5.

Note. The page has not been uploaded onto the server since it is only in Development.

Not sure what do you mean by this and what and where do you import.

I see that there is some error in the console, but it’ related to some browser extension, not anything related to Wappler.

Can you just upload your page to some testing server where i can access it, we can’t debug this from your screenshots.

The mp4 file:

The code: (2.1 KB)

Sorry but this doesn’t work like that. Please zip your whole project folder and send it to me for a review. Also - no need to rename the html file to a rtf one …

Here you go! (4.0 MB)

Your page looks the same way in the browser as in Wappler design view:

I suggest you to upload your page / project to some test sever where i can access it and debug the issue you are having.

Well, that speaks volumes. So it appears that when I access the same code on my system via the browser from Wappler I just display the text block and you don’t. If you use the QR code, are you able to see the mp4? If that is the case, then the issue lies with Docker.

So you are using docker? On your screenshot I see the ‘local’ target selected, not docker…
Are you sure you have selected the docker target and deployed everything to it and the you click preview in browser button??

As you wrote me I checked Docker. ISUPPORTU has not shown. I too just checked the settings and noticed that local and not localhost was selected. I changed it localhost, launched the service, and now localhost appears in the Docker list. I selected browser view and now everything works. I feel like an idiot. So sorry to have taken up your precious time on such an issue. Hopefully, others will see this post and will check this first. I learned my lesson. Thank you Teodor.


Yay! Not just me. I often encounter the same thought. We deserve badges!


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Open a FR for this? I’ll vote. I need a new badge too. :sweat_smile: