Monitor sizes discussion

@TomD, it really has been an awesome monitor i will profess.

@Hyperbytes, I looked at the ultra wide monitors too, but to be honest, it was firstly more expensive, and secondly I often have very long pages of code and being able to see what i did in code at the bottom of the display while coding something 1500px above that makes things a lot quicker for me, I hardly ever have to arrow/collapse in my code anymore and i can still see everything. I do not think having the added height is ever a hinderance.

And here is a screenshot of my best reason.

Top Half = 3840px x 1440px (1200px for code view) & (1200px for design view) (left over 1840 means I can have a very wide App Structure panel)
Bottom Half = 3840px x 720px

When working on a database with too many columns I just have it at the bottom of the screen.

Second 27-inch screen runs at 1920 x 1080 and i generally have my clients indesign / photoshop design files open there that I am trying to match, or sometimes their old website that i am redeveloping.

Third screen is 1440 x 900 on a MacBook Pro, which generally has Apple Mail, & Skype open at all times.
I use multi desktops on the 27-inch to switch from design files to websites using a magic mouse this is a simple swipe on that screen to open a second or third desktop.

Thats my general workflow.