Monaco Editor

This editor has some great features. I particularly like:
the code formatter/beautifier - works really well, at least based on Javascript
lots of shortcuts

I noticed a couple of shortcut conflicts:
F1: displays Command Palette - already used to open Wappler docs
(workaround: use right-click to show Command Palette)
Shift+Alt+A: block comment toggle - this triggers the Wappler Assets panel

There were a couple of useful shortcuts I couldn’t find in the list, but are available:
Ctrl+L: select current line
Alt+Up/Down arrows: move current line up/down

Will we be able to customise the colours by editing CSS rules, like this?


I’m glad you like it - it has superb powers that you are yet to discover.

It offers us also so much more free then of integration and code generation and refactoring that will help greatly to keep on producing clean code.

It also keeps great refrerences between files, so our plan for meta database of all files in your Wappler project is coming closer and closer.

Yes we have the sync all the key shortcuts so no conflict occur.

It is now just for preview you will see more and more functionality getting add each week.


Great - I'm really looking forward to it being fully integrated.

.. and this is a feature I'm also very much looking forward to.

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Keys and more improvements are now in Wappler 2.2.2