Moment fromNow function

Is there a simple way to return moment’s fromNow function?

I can’t see it in the UI, and I’ve so far tried and failed to get a custom formatter that works!


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Here is one way…including a (optional) customization of what is returned.

dmx.Formatter('string', 'timeFromNow', function(val, format) {
	moment.updateLocale('en', {
    relativeTime : {
        future: "in %s",
        past:   "%s ago",
        s  : '%ds',
        ss : '%ds',
        m:  "1m",
        mm: "%dm",
        h:  "1h",
        hh: "%dh",
        d:  "1d",
        dd: "%dd",
        w:  "1w",
        ww: "%dw",
        M:  "1M",
        MM: "%dM",
        y:  "1y",
        yy: "%dy"
  return moment.utc(val).fromNow(true);

and then call that formatter:


where created is a datetime value.


Works a treat, thanks very much!!

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Hi, could you tell me where I can enter/save the dmx.formatter for relative time? I’m a bit lost.
I would like to use 1m, 1w, 1mo and so on.

& I presume I call it like this?


I see now it’s inserted in javascript file. Thanks @mebeingken

If I want to use ‘mo’ for month instead of M, would this work?
