I have a page that uses a modal window containing a form. When I invoke the form from a button, it works as expected. When I call the modal from a dynamic link (to populate the content of the form) the modal flashes open, then hides immediately.
I’ve tried placing the modal in different
locations, to see if that was relevant, but the results are them.
Here is the button code: <button class="btn btn-outline-success" dmx-on:click="modal1.show();modal1.ticket_detail.select(0)"><i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i> New Change Slip</button>
Here is the code from the dynamic link: <td align="center"><a href="" dmx-on:click="modal1.show();modal1.ticket_detail.select(changeID)"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i></a></td>
I may not be correct, but to me it looks like once the modal is opened, you apply the select to it. What happens if you reverse those two, first select de detail and then open the modal.