From what you copied you are missing a closing div tag but i’m going to assume this is just how you copied and pasted it and that the tag is actually there in your actual page.
How do you trigger this modal?
Looks like for some reason the modal has a z-index less than that of the backdrop do you have any custom css maybe that conflicts?
One way to fix this is just adding a higher z-index but it could just be how you trigger the modal causing It to happen but ill drop the z-index fix here incase needed:
This is what it looks like if you try to have two modals opened at once. Modals are designed to be opened one at a time, so if you are opening a modal from inside another modal, you’ll want to close the original.
Interesting the above code works on a content page for me the only issues I seem to have is if I was to keep a backdrop open and then internally switch to another content page the backdrops stays open but either way glad this has worked