Mobile app routing not working with BS5 and Cordova

Wappler Version : 3.9.9
Operating System : W10 Pro
Server Model: N/A (Android mobile app built using BS5/Cordova)
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: N/A

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

Browser component Goto should redirect to a specified page on a mobile app as it does on a standard web app when using mobile apps routing with Bootstrap

Actual behavior

What actually happens

The specified page is Main_page. This error is generated in the Android simulation when the Goto is executed

Selecting this page and others from a navbar component does work properly. It appears that the nabar redirect is aware of the routing in the mobile app but the Browser component is not.

The app works correctly when run in a browser.

How to reproduce

Set up a basic mobile app using Bootstrap 5 and Cordova following the tutorial Wappler Documentation - Mobile Apps: Routing with Bootstrap.

Set up the app to have login functionality which redirects to a specific page on successful login.

Run the app in Android simulator

Note: this is a bump from an earlier post I made asking for help in the mobile category. There were no suggestions offered as to what I might be doing wrong so I am wondering if it is a bug. There is a similar discussion in this thread Mobile app redirect which talks about a similar problem in respect of FW7 but only suggests a coded solution instead of a native Wappler solution. If there isn't a Wappler workaround that will be good to know so I don't spend more time if this can't be done.