Mobile App - Platform Selection Missing

Split from topic, And I thought a Mac might make mobile app development easier!

I think I might be missing something here, I do not see any selection under Platform so I can add a mobile platform do the check as described in


What version of Cordova do you have installed?

Also could you enter in the terminal:

cordova platform ls

And paste the output here

Seems your Cordova is lacking some permissions. Did you install it globally with sudo as the message says?

Could you also give the Cordova platform list command I requested above?

Hi @George, thanks for the response. I ran the command above along with the sudo message command it stated.

The new response is: Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project.

However, that seems to have resolved the issue, the platforms are now listed. :slight_smile:

Yes you need to run in within Wappler’s terminal :smile:

@George, I encountered some additional errors while trying to add the platforms to the project, which is why I haven’t been able to post sooner. However, I also found solutions to them after some googling and trial and error.

Note: The errors are not due to Wappler, but rather to certain things not being done on my Mac computer (i.e. unable to create a directory or insufficient permissions on a directory)

I have been able to add Android, iOS, OS, Electron, Browser, and after I finish installing the almost 4 GB Visual Studio for Mac, I should be able to add the Windows platform.

@George, your tip above about actually reading the messages in terminal proved to be the guiding light in solving my issues !

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Ok @George, new issue regarding the Windows Platform.

When I add it to the project and confirm the two pop-ups, it says that I need to Install at least the Visual Studio 2013 Expression Edition for Windows.

Now with me being on a Mac, anything specific to Windows is a no-go, so I downloaded and installed Visual Studio 2019 for Mac, thinking that would be sufficient.

However, after installing and opening Visual Studio 2019 for Mac and going back into Wappler to add the Windows platform to the project, I receive the same error again.

Do you know of a way to solve this for me or is Windows mobile platform only for Windows OS?