Mobile App Framework7 toggle checkbox always send value even if checked or not

Hi everybody,
I’m trying to filter results from a paged query on my Framework7 Mobile App.

My result (repeat) page provides a popup with different filters toggle checkbox.
After setting the different “filters/options” a button allow to close the filter popup and reload the query sending Get params.

Most of them are toggle-icon

        <li><div class="item-content">
          <div class="item-inner">
            <div class="item-title">Concerne un opérateur</div>
            <div class="item-after">
              <label class="toggle toggle-init">
                <input type="checkbox" id="checkboxFConcerneOperateur" name="fconcerneoperateur" value="1" checked><i class="toggle-icon"></i>

Regardless of the toggle is switched ON or OFF the value (setted to 1) is send on-click event.

How to send 0/1 or null/true ?


<input type="checkbox" id="checkboxFConcerneOperateur" name="fconcerneoperateur" value="" dmx-bind:value="checked ? 1 : 0" checked>
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Super thanks!