Minor improvements to the server action UI in version 6

I realize that this is totally a matter of personal preference, but I wonder if all the boxes in the server action UI can be drawn using the same width. Having them change width depending on little things, like the name of the variable or if the query output is enabled or not, is very distractive.

About the info step:

  1. Something I miss: In the “classic” UI, I used a few blank info steps or one with many newlines to create a visual space that separates areas of my code. The new UI renders the info step as it renders other steps, not producing much of a visual separation.
  2. maybe the info step can be drawn not as another step in the flow but as a floating box to the side. After all, although I understand the need for positioning it, but the Info step is not part of a flow.
  3. For some reason, Info steps with and without text are drawn with different corners. Maybe they should be drawn all the same.

Many thanks,
