MDN Reference Control?

I spend a lot of time in code view and the hover popups often hide the code area that I need to change.

I’m curious if the MDN Reference notes can be controlled? It would be great to be able to turn it on or off.

This will be improved in this week’s update :slight_smile:


Teo, the bearer of great news! Thanks…

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Hopefully that means a way to turn them off completely?

You will be able to disable the hover popups completely or set a different delay. It will not be possible to only disable the MDN Reference, the new options are for all the hovers, so also for the linter errors. It was not possible to disable them separately within Monaco, but we will investigate this further, maybe in a future version it will change.


An option to fully disable popups on hover or adjust the delay in code editor has been added to Wappler 2.5.5