Is there a way to mark all topics as read on these forums? I normally visit several times a day so it normally isn;t a problem. But I am currently on holidays for another week so I don’t get as much time to read all of the threads.
PS. I miss being on this board everyday. Does that make me strange?
We use Discourse as a community forum software here. It is an awesome peace of work! So powerful and easy.
Also with their mobile app so easy to use on you phone as well. That is how I keep up during my vacation now
Anyway I don’t think there is a mark all as read because the makers seems to be agains it as it is a sign that you don’t care what have happened during the time you were away
Here are also some other usage tips:
Also every new user is welcomed by the discobot who explains the basic usage really well in a private chat
I assure you all I am still here and just as much into Wappler as always. Just haven’t had much time for the forums do to a major server melt down at work.
But I haven’t gone anywhere. Can’t get rid of me that easy.