M1 mac localhost upload to s3 error

Mac M1
macOS Monterey
Digital Ocean Spaces (S3)
NodeJS 14

when trying to upload a file to S3 while testing on localhost:3000, got following error:

please suggest how to resolve this?

It’s an Apple security thing. When the message shows, go to Settings > Security & Privacy
Click the padlock to allow changes and you should see a message in the bottom section of the ‘General’ tab to allow it.

This will all be over starting from tomorrow :slight_smile:


Oh no, Wappler is removing support for Mac! :wink:

do not see a ‘General’ item in the list after opening the padlock!

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Ah! Ok. That’s what I have selected as well.

I was in the privacy tab, looking for general!
Lol, still getting used to macos.