Loyalty app idea, help nedeed

Here i am with the first design i created in Wappler.

It has been a long night and day :smiley: so this is my basic idea for the design, and you will see about the features.

Please visit this link https://loyalty.fullpixel.rs/index.html
That is the look for business admins and employees

This page https://loyalty.fullpixel.rs/Users-Profile.html is the look for END users (people who buy products or services and collect points / win prizes)

If you have some time, open it on mobile also, because mobile and tablet are the priority here.

I hope you will get the idea of what i would like to create.

I am open to ALL suggestions and advices, not at all do i think my way is the best way. But this was all i know how to do. Databases and servers and how the back end of this will work, i really have no clue, so that is where i need help the most.

p.s. i am reading the docs as i work, but i do have a LOT of questions…
p.s.s. i dont know how to link :open_mouth: so i used that link badge feature…

THANK YOU ALL, i am realy grateful for all the help i can get :green_heart::green_heart::slightly_smiling_face:

To be honest this question is much too general for anyone to give useful advice other than continue reading the forum documents and viewing the videos, try to do what you want to do then ask specifics if you can’t achieve a specific task.
To do something like this, a working knowledge of how to manage data is essential and I suggest you start there

Basically everything resolves to SCRUD - search, create, read, update and delete. If you can master them then your are on your way to developing pretty much any data driven app. I recommend you view webinars 1 and 2 which explains how to set up Wappler and perform those primary actions


Thank, i just played the first part (video quality is really bad btw)

And considering your first answer: i do have a detailed post here