Looking for freelancer to implement Invoice Management WebApp

Hi Wappler freelancers,
we are developing a human-assist-machine-learning (:slight_smile:) invoice management tool
We get transactions from bank account and invoices via e-mail. An assistent can now enter data of invoices associate with contacts and associate all transactions with invoices.
All User Interface is done in Figma already, a working prototype is implemented in retool, all integrations like fetching attachment from mail, connect to bank account are there. So wappler only needs to access data in database (structure and data is there).
Goal: Implement MVP with Wappler

Hi Andreas,

So you’re trying to move your app from re-tool to a Wappler front end? Or Wappler is filling some other (alternative) front end function?

Not 100% clear what you want Wappler to do, outside access the database, ie for what purpose?

I’m assuming retool is running all the backend functions and Wappler simply needs to display the formatted data in a nice front end for the user? (This is what it sounds like you want to do to me?).

Is that correct?


We’re working on this project with Andy.

With Wappler we’ll develop a web app that will fetch data from a DB and allow users to engage with it. It’s not just about formatting the data on UI - it’s also about how it can be consumed by end users along with requirements for role based access control in a multi-user setup.

The expectations from the web app are such that retool is not competent enough to handle it. Custom UI development is required achieve those expectations and DB integration with it.

There is much more to it in near future - building a custom web app can facilitate all that - retool just cannot.

Nice. Sounds like a good project.