Looking for a way to display a message when a users security session expires

I have pages secured by a Security Provider Enforcer, but I’ve noticed that a session can expire (no longer technically logged in) but the page remains open and appears normal to the user. If they do a hard-refresh or similar action it will take them to the appropriate screen to sign in again. But, if they remain on the page and do things like update a form, then page acts as if it were performing the function, but since they are expired, the Server Action does not execute.

How is the best way to display a message on the screen when the session expires?

I have an App Connect to a query of ‘LoggedInUser’ which has the condition in Server Connect where the UserID = Security Identity so it returns the one record of the logged in user.

I then use the scheduler to re-load that Server Connect every 2 or 3 minutes and, if it returns unauthorised then it can do anything - I redirect to the homepage but you can do anything… an alert, a login modal, hide the data, etc.

Or, assuming your Server Connect uses the Security Enforcer, then just re-load that using the scheduler as that will return ‘unauthorised’ if they’re no longer logged in.


There is an on unauthorized binding which means you can skip the scheduler.

Yes, but that would still need to be called periodically, wouldn’t it? Hence the use of the scheduler.

I never found that to be honest. I just added the on unauthorized to the same action that runs my manual logout action, so in essence it does the same thing as manually clicking the logout button. I never needed a scheduler.

So it runs as soon as the user is no longer logged in, including just timing out?

yes, I found it out by accident because of an api that session expired after 3600 seconds. I was hoping that it could be adjusted so it could run a token refresh a minute before expiry, but it seems to run the instant the session expires.


That is similar to the structure I use. But, I hadn’t included the scheduler to re-check authorization. I like that option.

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