Long Query display without pagination

Hello Everyone,

Is anyone can guide me to use the uploaded dynamic data (query) on the page without using the paging.
Explanation: For example, I am building an ecommerce store - I do not want to use paging when the query is display on the page. I want to the data to shown when you scroll down.
Users and many websites don’t use pagination anymore.
I know pagination is useful to track the exact page for user but it is always good to know both ways.

Have a look at doing the following:

where the div containing the table has a maximum height of the viewport minus an offset.

Can I use a dynamic offset for it? I understand the div and table ( dmx-show section), but I don’t understand the body part and how the pagination will be loading automatically when it is scroll down.

There is no pagination involved. What happens is that the table is populated as normal and would normally result in a long table. By adding the max-height property, it enables the scroll bar to scroll through the entries.

If I understand what you are asking for correctly I think it will be available in Wappler pretty soon in their Lazy Loader solution i hope.

Basically what I think you are looking for is.
You have 20000 records as an example which would take very long to display on your page in one go and be a total waste for people that do not want to see all 20000 records. You want to use something similar to a paged query to display the data, however you want the first 20 to show, then as you scroll down and there are no more records to display it fetches another 20 from the second page and displays it on the same page.

Similar to how google images shows their data, or twitter or facebook etc. Is that correct?

That s exactly what you am looking for. It s more easy that way. Image on google or even wappler discussion board. I will try the way you said Ben !