Login Form Problems

Hi Teodor, your pad idea works fine and I am very grateful for your magnificent help. However I do feel uncomfortable needing to use this “patch” as I have at present no idea where else the issue will emerge and with multiple tables and views involved in the whole project this could get very messy. As you know I have already spent many hours/days grappling with just this one issue in the login.

I will be going into serious discussion with my client to see if it is possible to fix this issue at database level.

As for the password encryption, I totally agree with Hyberbytes observations and I am aware of this issue but at present as the developer I don’t have a way to fix it.


What this does show is that Wappler is very comfortable connecting to MS SQL databases which is good information for the user who asked if it works!


On the database connectivity issue, the one thing I discovered through trial and error was that in this case although I know the MS SQL Database I am using is version 2012, the database version selector in Wappler would only work using the lowest 2000/7+ version for some odd reason. This might be catching some other users too!