Login and Redirect -- Stuck at Redirect

I am trying out how to create a login page. I am reading the docs all that I can find about the topic. I am using Password Hash Verify database user data. So far I manage to put together the server action and the login page. I do get a Success or Unauthorize response. But right now, I am stuck at redirecting the user to the next page.

I see in the tutorial, in the form success event, I should at Browser:GoTo action. I don’t have that option in my IDE.

Wappler Documentation - Login - Create a Working User Login Page

Also, another question – on the Server Action (Login API), should I be setting the some Session data or something?

You need to add the browser component on your page in order to be able to pick it in the data picker.

Alright… I missed that step. Got it.

Hi Kidino. You might find this video useful? It’s from an excellent series ben recently produced. It’s called User Login & Logout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Xrg4EUMRIQ

The video before that one might also help. It’s called “User Registration”.

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Cool one. Thanks.

I used to code with PHP. But watching this video and the one from Ken, both uses NodeJS stack. And I think they are rather cool. I am wondering now if I should just develop with NodeJS now with Wappler.

I see that NodeJS stack has that Layout feature, pretty much like Blade in Laravel. Anything I should know about with PHP vs Node in Wappler?

Well I think you should ask the Wappler experts about that but it seems more and more people here are using node.js. You might find the threads below useful (and find out who the experts around here are). Enjoy!!

The link below was posted previously when someone asked a similar question. I has some good info in it: