Locked files?

I have come across a couple files on my project that I can’t edit? Seems to be locked. Just trying to make a simple typo fix and nothing happens. Even in code view.

I have never run across this before.

This only happens when more than one file is open. Anything I type in file two gets added to the top of file one.

I’ve seen this and trying to catch it again for reporting. And for me, the text I try to type ends up in another file I have open. It is as if the active document is something else that is open, other than that file displayed.

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Yes, that is exactly what is happening. First time it has happened for me.

@George Not sure if this shows up in Sentry, but I think we have something here. Anything we can do to help you find?

Yes, I have ran into this at least 10 times. I really thought my batteries on the BT keyboard had failed. However, after verifying that it wasn’t the batteries, I shut down a couple of pages, and Wa-La, everything started working properly.

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Well we’ve seen this rare issue of the code editor becoming read only it should be solved with tomorrow update :smile:


Can we have Paste back? Cut and copy look lonely without paste, like Snap and Crackle without Pop!


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which paste do you mean exactly Dave? There is always ctrl+v :slight_smile:

Same could be said for ctrl-c and ctrl-x :smiley:

The Paste that should be in the right click menu. I've spotted it in the wild here and there :slight_smile:

Could shortcut the whole thing and be done with all menus, might catch on… Hahahaha… :stuck_out_tongue:

That's been reported here:

The Monaco editor seems to be missing it initially :slight_smile:

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This was happening to me also. I would just re-start wappler and I would be up and going again.

Yes Wappler restart or tab reopening should help for now when this happens.

Tab reopening doesn’t work.

This should be fixed in Wappler 2.4.5

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