Local development server with live reload feature to view instant changes in browser window after a save of changed code in Wappler

Currently and actually most of the time I build front end layouts and styles which aren’t rendered in Wappler’s integrated browser view in the best/accurate way, especially when using partials or non Wappler scripts. Or when you cannot login as a user to view the page’s logged in state populated with data.

In the past, when working with VS Code, I used the Live Server extension, which on saving any changes on a page, whether layout or css, the page would refresh automagically in my browser window.

So my setup would be VS Code on one screen and Chrome/Safari/whatever on another.

A desirable setup for me would be Wappler on one screen and the browser on another where, if I save changes to the page, I do not have to tab through to the browser to have it in focus and click refresh or use short cut buttons to refresh the page. It is refreshed on server side by detecting changes in the code.

Reference of the VS Code Extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ritwickdey.LiveServer

We already do a lot of live reloading of css and html files.

Database driven server connect actions are of course difficult because we don’t know when the database changes.

So could you explain more precisely which cases you want to see live reloaded that aren’t done yet?

Is it partials only?

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I think he’s talking about saving on Wappler and autorefresh the chrome window. Without clicking the refresh button on chrome/firefox/safari

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That is exactly what I mean. I use browser dev tools and many times different layouts and styling based on logged users. All of this makes viewing, analizing and troubleshooting in the browser so much easier by auto refreshing when any changes on a page or its styles are saved in Wappler.


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I think this would be useful, and have voted for it. I sometimes use one of the Chrome auto refresh extensions.

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