Live site transfer of files -- problems

Since I couldn’t get a remote production server Target established in my PHP Project – I’ve had to upload files with Filezilla to my online server.

This is because Wappler FTP can’t resolve my Host server, but Filezilla has no problem.

At any rate, I now have a Login Authorization problem.
After giving credentials that are working on my localhost – nevertheless,here ONline, the next action on submitting is that the browser jumps to the API file and shows me the processed information in my file.

I have tried various combinations of base href and ac base –

the latest now is

<meta name="ac:base" content=“/appfolder/“>
<base href="">

So online the main index page has a link that jumps to the next folder in the main path … /appfolder where the various pages live like login.php and my form.php page.
All the DMX folders sit as they do during development inside this /appfolder location.

Any clues on what the references should be & why this doesn’t follow through processing to the intended form page? – example with some bogus values

<form is="dmx-serverconnect-form" 
id="loginform" method="post" 
dmx-on:unauthorized=“’blah blah.’” 

Well, all the issues are most probably caused by this.
You should not be editing the ac:base and base href tags manually as this breaks all the links.

If you have an issue with the FTP connection create a topic explaining what is wrong there.

My issue was posted here over an hour ago – I saw that someone else was having a go-around with their own FTP within the past couple of Day.

I replied with a “me too” – here’s what’s happening with my FTP problem. By the way, latest version 4.8.3

Post your issue in a new topic explaining your exact problem.