Listing of more than 100 records in one table

When I make a list of records, if I have more than 100 records, they are not displayed. Can I get a list of all records over 100 in one table?

Thank you,

Windows10 / wappler 4.9.0 / php / Mysql / google Chrome


See this thread which includes an update that fixes it:

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Thanks for the information.
I spent quite a bit of time on this problem and it was not resolved by me.

Thank you very much.

Did you upload the updated file which should fix it and clear your browser cache?

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Thank you for your valuable message.

Just uploading the updater file did not solve the problem. I gave up, but you wrote in your message to clear the browser cache, so I cleared it and that seems to have solved the problem.

Thank you so much.

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Excellent. Glad you’re sorted. The .js file you uploaded would have been cached in your browser so that’s why you need to clear that cache. :+1:

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Thanks to you, I was able to solve the problem by you.
I see, that’s what you meant about cache clear.
Thank you very much.

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