Listen for keypress of a letter key on its own (lower case)

If I add a Key Press Dynamic Event to listen for the key ‘f’, it only works if it’s a capital (so SHIFT-F). How can I get it to work for just the plain key ‘f’?

Have a look at this article and press a key under the Examples heading.


Do you use a dynamic event with modifier?


This is my code on the <body> tag:


I see that it returns a different keycode for f and F with the keypressed event, with the keydown and keyup it always returns the same keycode. Never noticed this difference before, will see if we can improve the event handling to detect the correct key.

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Updated the app connect event handling, following update should fix your issue. (24.2 KB)


Thanks Patrick. I’ve replaced this on the project but it’s still not recognising ‘f’ without the shift key.

UPDATE: Forget that. Browser cached the js file. Cleared and refreshed and it’s working perfectly.

Big thanks for that.

This has been fixed in Wappler 4.0.4

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