List of Data Binding/Formats Bugs

Wappler Version : 5.6.1
Operating System : mac
Server Model: node
Database Type: mysql 8
Hosting Type:

Expected behavior

I believe the Data Bindings and Formats panels are one of Wappler’s most important features, and yet, there are many instances where they fall short. I’m going to carve out some time to start documenting these. Here’s my first list.

Actual behavior

No values shown when using top()

The following works as expected when attempting to bind the img src:

<span class=" " dmx-repeat:first_6_members="">
     <img class="avatar avatar_small" dmx-bind:src="">

Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 2.29.01 PM

However, when adding .top(6) I can’t see the bindings

<span class=" " dmx-repeat:first_6_members="">
    <img class="avatar avatar_small" dmx-bind:src="">

Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 2.31.33 PM

Space not an accepted value on edit

This expression causes problems. If I select any of the properties…

and then hit Select, an error is generated

Feature request- Add a NULL button, and a NOT (!) button

It would be great to have a readily accessible NULL and NOT available in the Data Binding window.

Formats panel incorrectly evaluates expression (I think caused by bang (!))

This is a valid working expression:

!user_reviewed&&'ingredient', ingredient, '==').sum('amount')==0&&query.convert

When opening in the Data Formats panel, it renders incorrectly:

And if Selected without making any changes, modifies the code to this;

(user_reviewed && (('ingredient', ingredient, '==').sum('amount') == 0) && query.convert))
Empty string not properly handled in ternary

This is a working App Connect Expression text data binding:

{{fraction_qty == 0 ? '' : fraction_qty}}

It immediately loads correctly:

But if I go into Code view, the expression is modified to the invalid expression (empty string removed):


Having now written this up, perhaps it is expecting me to use NULL in place of the empty string? I think both should be handled, so I’ll keep this here.