Large Image zoom in and scroll

Hi folks,

i have a huge image that i would like to show on a website but with a fixed size and the ability to let the user zoom in and scroll the image…
Any idea?

Thank you =)

you could put a smaller image of the image and when you click on it bring up the full resolution image?

nah its 9600x10600 pixels…
Its a map…you have to zoom in/scroll :confused:

Do you have any example which shows what are you trying to achieve?
We don’t have such a component Integrated in Wappler, but probably there is some js plugin out there which you can use.

We had such a super zoom component In the past that was made to view super large images in a google maps kind of way bij zooming in and out. It was also super smart as it cutted the image in many peaces for speedy loading and zoom.

We actually never released it. I will digg some archives to see what it happen to it :slight_smile:

It was actually pretty cool and completely touch based.


that would be sooo cool @George!

I would find this a very useful feature.

Well I found our old component - it was actually 10 years old and ahead of its time :slight_smile:

Seems it was later superseded by

Looks they have made some progress for the past years and it looks cool!

Maybe we should make a Wappler App Connect component out of this as well :slight_smile:


that would be a very useful feature i think…