Keyboard shortcut current file upload

Is it possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to uploading (putting) the current file to the target server?

In dreamweaver I loved to be able to use Ctrl+Shift+U.

Now every time I have look up the current file in the file tree or pages.

Would be very helpfull...

If your target is set as development then your file is automatically uploaded to the server.

Yes, my development is locally and there it is saved. But I want to upload it to the active target (my live server).

A few years back, this ability (deploy a file versus a full site) was silently removed from Wappler. I wasn't a customer then but I've come across the posts where people used to be able to upload a single file rather than have to perform a full deployment.

IIFC, the decision to remove this functionality was because the agent required to run on the remote target was resource intensive.

I think it was removed more as a safety factor so you didn't inadvertently overwrite a 'production' file.

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