Key Password for Database Connection via SSH


I need an SSH tunnel for a dierect connection to my mysql db on my shared hosting.
The regular SSH connection for upload is working. But when using it for the DB-connection I. get an error that no password for the key-file is given.

Where/how can I enter the password for the private key file?

Am I the only one with this problem?

Entering a passphrase should be a normal thing, or not?

It is. But not many SSH users in community, from what I have seen. And adding a passphrase is optional, so this is probably the first post for this requirement.

@patrick Would be the best guy to provide a solution here.

My database is hosted on a shared hosting account and the hoster allows external DB access only via SSH and the SSH key has to have a PW. So I’m kind of stuck here…

The SSH key does not have to have a password, it’s not a requirement. You can remove the password of an SSH key file (I’m on mobile and don’t know the command on my head, sorry)

That being said, the real issue is Wappler not asking for a password

Indeed having a passphrase for your private key isn’t required, but still we will add support for entering your own passphrase next to the private key for SSH tunneling in Database connections in the next Wappler update.


I knew that you can have a key without, but since my hoster forced me to have one, I hade one. What I was missing was the point that even if my hoster forced me to provide a protected one, that I can have an additional version of the same keyfile locally without a passphrase. That's what I did not.
Here the comand If anyone also needs it:


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This has been implemented in Wappler 4.5

Yes, saw that. So cool. never had a feature-request shipped so fast :wink:

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