Justify end / justify content end

What I am sure is a simple issue,

I have created a row with 4 columns, in each column rests a flex container. In that container are three items and a background image.

The issue I am having is that the justify end in the container is not positioning the flex container content at the end (bottom) of the container. It seems that the align items is not positioning the content and justify end places the items to the right of the flex container.

For example, in the first container, the content is sitting to the right when align items end is set. the content will not reposition vertically, only horizontal.

thanks for any help on this.

Have you changed the direction to vertical?

yes I just figured it out. For some reason when I nest a flex container into the column it makes confuses properties. Then I removed the flex container and just placed items within the column, still had the issues. However when I converted the colomn to a flex container, the align and justify content properties were fixed.

This is how i set up the element, just for anyones future reference;
did not work:

Flex container
nested elements


col - convert to flex container
nested elments