JS error in FW7 under IOS

When trying to build for IOS on a Mac the back button stops working and produces this error. This error does not occur under Android.

In Wappler:

XCODE console:

️ ------ STARTUP JS ERROR ------

️ [error] - {}
️ TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘E[0].f7Page.route’)
️ URL: capacitor://xxx.xxxx.xxx/Framework7/6/js/framework7-bundle.min.js
️ framework7-bundle.min.js:13:131704

️ See above for help with debugging blank-screen issues

Safari Developer Console:

Seems like an old Framework7 bug

Make sure you are using the latest versions.

This only appeared after the update before last. It is still present in the 5.3.3 update.

we don’t have any changes in that area in the last few Wappler versions

This is an edge swipe issue. I am simply trying to use the back arrow.