OS info
Operating System : Windows 10.0.22000
Wappler Version : 4.8.2
Problem description
Left Join selection displayed as Inner Join on Query Builder
Steps to reproduce
Query Builder > Table Option > Select Left Join > (Inner Join been auto selected instead) > Edit Table Option > OK
Hello @George may I get your attention pertaining to this report? It may look simple and insignificant but it’s quite annoying since I work with many join tables. Just checked today’s update and it haven’t been taken care of yet. Thanks you!
Does this affect the functionality, or is it only a cosmetic UI issue?
Also what server model and database are you using?
I’m not sure if it’s only cosmetic or not because I always hit it again to correct the join selection. Haven’t checked the code either. Server model is node.js. Database is my SQL 8. Thank you.
Well does it affect the results you are getting?
Since I always confirm the join selection by hitting it again (as shown in the image above) so there’s no issue with my results, always as expected (i.e left join). I’m not sure what will happen if I missed it though.
This is purely consenting issue, the name is just not directly refreshed. So if you save and reopen you will see that the left join was saved correctly.
Will improve it in the future, but it doesn’t have the highest priority.
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