PostgreSQL allows to setup ARRAY data types for almost all data types: int, text, varchar, etc.
UPDATE Step in Wappler should be able to do this:
update my_tbl set my_field=ARRAY[1,2,3] where id=1;
update my_tbl set my_field='{1,2,3}' where id=1;
when myfield data type is defined as an ARRAY.
Even DB Manage does not have support for ARRAY fields right now. it just shows a blank
currently this is not possible using the UPDATE Step.
Nor through a Custom query i could achieve this - because we cannot do a SET VALUE step on the incoming data of ‘1,2,3’ to
prepend ‘ARRAY[’ and append ‘]’
prepend ‘{’ and append ‘}’
to this string ‘1,2,3’
SET VALUE also fails to give output of ARRAY[1,2,3]
or '{1,2,3}'
for the mapper replacement to work correctly in the UPDATE query.