Issues with PostgreSQL Array Data Types in Workflows

PostgreSQL allows to setup ARRAY data types for almost all data types: int, text, varchar, etc.

UPDATE Step in Wappler should be able to do this:

update my_tbl set my_field=ARRAY[1,2,3] where id=1;
update my_tbl set my_field='{1,2,3}' where id=1;

when myfield data type is defined as an ARRAY.

Even DB Manage does not have support for ARRAY fields right now. it just shows a blank

currently this is not possible using the UPDATE Step.

Nor through a Custom query i could achieve this - because we cannot do a SET VALUE step on the incoming data of ‘1,2,3’ to
prepend ‘ARRAY[’ and append ‘]’
prepend ‘{’ and append ‘}’
to this string ‘1,2,3’
SET VALUE also fails to give output of ARRAY[1,2,3] or '{1,2,3}' for the mapper replacement to work correctly in the UPDATE query.


We currently do not support complex database specific types like array and json input standard query builder or update record.

So this is not a bug - we never have supported them.

If you want new features, post a feature request. I think there were already some for json data type support, so just vote there.

I never got around to opening the json and jsonb UI support feature request as I believe the usage is not that extended. We did speak about it though in other threads.

But it’s true that I use it quite a extensively to store file info, translations, etc
Apart from UI support schema definition for the field would be needed also.