ISSUES / ASSISTANCE: Facebook OAuth Signup & Login

Hi guys. Good morning. I’m wondering if anyone has encountered any of these 2 issues.


  1. Using @Teodor’s comprehensive tutorial to setup Facebook Login (Which Worked Perfectly) - Thanks @Teodor - I’ve run into an issue which is: I pulled name, email & ID, and also picture. “Picture” returns as JSON object data and I do not seem to know how to manipulate that to run a file upload action. i.e: To add/upload the user’s Facebook profile photo to my site and make that s/he’s profile photo.


  1. When a user is already logged into Facebook and they click on the Login/Signup form, this happens: The page has to be refreshed before the error disappears.

{“error”:{“message”:“An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.”,“type”:“OAuthException”,“code”:2500,“fbtrace_id”:“AnZ9iVSGrinhtqWjEgmKLJ8”}}

Does anyone have any clue as to how to get around any or all of these issues?

The same issue happens to me. See this message: “An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.”,“type”:“OAuthException”,“code”:2500

@patrick @George Good morning guys. I’m wondering if there is any solution to this issue. Thanks.

I actually just had this issue today as well. It threw me for a loop for a minute until I realized I had read somewhere here in the community about it.

Has anyone come up with a way for the Facebook Login to work when the user is logged into Facebook already?

Actually, I am getting the error regardless of if I am logged in or logged out of Facebook.

{"error":{"message":"An active access token must be used to query 
information about the current user.","type":"OAuthException",

@George @patrick @niam @scott

Happy new year folks.

Please, has anyone found a solution to this issue? It’s been open since July 2020 and I have yet to find a solution.

Kindly assist if you know how to fix this. Thanks