Is there a way to switch spell check off?

Wappler 6.4.2
Win 11

this is an excerpt from a custom module - is it possible to switch off spell check - it serves no purpose and it a terrible distraction!!

I just wondered which module that was. So you have a regular textarea as property field in your custom extension?

@sid can you pls suggest what is our custom module config?


{ name: 'select', optionName: '', title: 'SELECT<sup style="color:red">*</sup>', type: 'textarea', help:'Table fields which you want in result', required: true, defaultValue: ''},

We will remove the spellcheck option on all property input fields in the next update as it is never needed there.


Fixed in Wappler 6.5.2

As a tip you can also add allowEdit=“true” and that will add an popup editing functionality where you can even choose to use SQL color coding (just added that as well)

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