Is There A Wappler Meta Tag Generator?

Hey folks…

Am just adding the (OG/Twitter etc) meta tags to my web site… does everyone just add them by hand, or is there a Wappler Meta Tag generator feature now?

Many thanks!

There’s no such a feature in Wappler.

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This will possibly give you an idea

Depends on the technology you are using. With node, as pages are rendered serverside, I do them dynamically (I.e. from a db table). This is really useful as the head part of the page resides on the layout so is not refreshed on each page change.
With PHP it is not so easy as you have found, you either have to do it manually in each page head or prerender via php before the page head. As all the tools exist to set tags and as each tech needs a different solution I dont see a “Seo” component as needed or practical.

Hi Brian @Hyperbytes,

Any plans to create a video discussion on the basics of robots.txt for a NodeJS setup?

The file is exactly the same as any other technology. Just drop it into your public folder

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