Is there a template project similar to a vanilla bubble app?


When we make an app in bubble, we get a lot of headstart.

A responsive page, user authentication, password reset page. Sign-up/login pop-up reusable element.

They seem simple but these little things can easily take a few days to set up.

And it’s not just about how long it takes to setup. When training new hires, it’s easy to point to existing basic sign-up/login workflows.

Now looking at wappler and I’m like, do I need to spend 1 week on figuring out user auth and a basic dB? There has to be a template project.

The ones I looked at were just front-end. (I may have missed)


There are no ready made templates for this in Server Connect, as different users may need different login / signup pages with different options. Also the database type you are connecting to and its tables are also different - you may be using mysql, but some other users may prefer postgres etc.

There is no universal one-click-login/signup/reset password template because of the reasons above. It’s easy to setup these for Bubble, as they are using their own server and database but with all the hosting options out there we don’t know what database and server are you using, what are you user credentials for your database and what type is it.

However, once you setup these you can easily reuse them.

We will be improving Wappler in the future with more wizards for setting up such common tasks.

I understand about the diversity in hosting options making this more complicated.

But one example project using docker would be nice to start figuring out server connect by example


Yep I here your pain!

Took me a few weeks to get the basics right. But I did find going through the initial pain made me understand how things were put together.

You might try checking out these videos: