Is it possible to upload base64 as image file?

I use croppie plugin to crop image and I want to store the cropped image as image file. However the cropped image is as base64. How do I get the file uploaded as image file instead? Or…

Is there better alternative to have client side image cropping before upload?

There is server side image cropping built in to Wappler, very easy to do and no need to mess with base64 strings. Have you considered that?

@transcoderm is using a clientside crop library, which is different than the serverside tools:

Maybe you could just store the base64 string in your DB directy and use it as it is for your image source.

Yip that’s the way to go as for now, I just need to lower the result image quality etc. in order to minimize the db size.

I know but the question was why use croppie?

Everything can probably be done inside wappler so why use external tools?
Storing images as base64 in a database can lead to huge DB size consumption

Because it allows users to crop the image before upload as they wish - using drag handles :slight_smile: You can’t do that with the server connect tools:

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You’re right. The only reason why I have to use it.

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