Is it possible that server actions selector jump to server connect

Could you tell me how to jump from server actions selector list to server panel (Alt-S page)?

After I selected the server action from server action list, I would like edit the action file. When click the ((Select Server Action)) button in Properties panel, the server actions panel popup. I can get which action was selected, but I can not open the edit page for the server actions panel.

Thank you,

I am sorry, but I do not understand what you are trying to do. This is probably related to my age.

Are you trying to configure the database query?

Please show a screenshot or two to explain.

Most definitely not.

If I am not wrong, what he wants is to click on the server action selected inside a server connect form on the client side (the right app panel) and open the server action panel (left side) with that server action selected automatically.

@beaoman Welcome to the community. Here's the Feature Request (FR) for this functionality:

I personally haven't had a requirement for this, but it would definitely be a huge time saver for me too.

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Ben, Sorry for my strange question in English.

Sid, Thank you for understanding my question. I understand this function is not. I am waiting for this functions.

Thank you,

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