Hi, I’m new to Wappler. I’ve been a previous user of Webflow and am accustomed to handcrafting my websites. I’ve never used Bootsrap before and wanted to know if I can do without it on Wappler. Just add my own classes and margins and custom scripts, if required. I tried removing Bootstrap from the front-end frameworks and somehow that makes the Theme Manager not work (Shows “If you want to use the Theme Manager, you need to enable it first in the Project Options”). I also read somewhere that Bootstrap is mandatory for App Connect. So just wanted more clarification on this?
The theme manager is created for Bootstrap specifically, so it does require Bootstrap.
That is not correct, Bootstrap is not mandatory for App Connect.
If you want to use the Wappler UI tools, then you need to include Bootstrap on your pages. If you want to hand code your sites, Bootstrap is not required, but then you have to write code by hand.
Okay. So Bootstrap is mandatory if I want to use the no-code drag and drop functionality of Wappler. Am I getting it correct?
Yes, correct.
Okay, thank you!