Invalid path on photo upload

well it appears to be a file size issue? I’ve tried a bunch of stuff and larger files fail??

why would this change? where is the limits on file size controlled? And why would it give a “path” error?

I am trying to debug what is wrong on your site. I don’t know what you mean by “why would this change”
If larger files fail, then there are limits you need to set on your server config.

I guess your answer to my question “where is the limits on file size controlled?” is on the server. However I’m not aware of any limits (or how to set them)

I question “why would this change” because I haven’t changed anything. This is our new employee form and we haven’t had any new employees in a month. Since before the latest MAJOR update to wappler. Seemed like a reasonable place to look.

The limits depend on your server, so what server are you using?


Please check your server settings: