Internal links causing a hard refresh (appconnect 2.0.0-beta.17)

Issue is identical to this thread but couldn’t bump it since its closed: Internal links causing a hard refresh in App Connect 2 Beta

Wappler Version : 6.0 beta 12
Operating System : Win11
Server Model: nodejs
Database Type: postgres
Hosting Type: docker

Expected behavior

Using a anchor tag with the internal option enabled should update the URL and refresh the View component without causing a full refresh.

Actual behavior

Causes a full refresh as if the link was just a standard link with no internal option set.

How to reproduce

My case is navigation using anchor buttons with internal selected, all content pages use the same layout page.

I tried using the solution from this thread and it worked : Internal links causing a hard refresh in App Connect 2 Beta
when updated back to current appconnect beta version, behavior changed back to full refreshes

Maybe its relate to this:

The order of javascripts

That could be it because I removed the tags and it started working again, but in the last update Wappler rewrote everything.

oh thanks.

Not in my case. they seem to load in the right order and still have the problem.

I’m experiencing the same problem on a link not on navigation bar, inside a table

My link is something like:

<a dmx-bind:href="'/something/'+id" internal="" dmx-on:click="browser1.scrollYTo(0)">View something</a>

To keep in mind, in Project Settings->General: If Routing is enabled.

Inside the <head> tag make sure this both libraries are in this order:

<script src="/dmxAppConnect/dmxRouting/dmxRouting.js" defer=""></script>
<script src="/dmxAppConnect/dmxBootstrap5Navigation/dmxBootstrap5Navigation.js" defer=""></script>

I found what’s causing the problem…

My links used to work with “only” a dmx-bind:href that leads to a custom url inside my app. Now : I have to have a “normal” href on top of my dmx-bind:href to make it work. The normal href needs to be the static file of the page I want to load.

Didn’t work :

<a class="nav-link" dmx-bind:href="'/member/details/'+query.uuid+'/files'" id="details-tab" tabindex="-1" internal="true">

Works :

<a class="nav-link" dmx-bind:href="'/member/details/'+query.uuid+'/files'" id="details-tab" tabindex="-1" internal="true" href="partials/pages/members-details.ejs">