Integrate Stripe with the new API

another newbie question :slight_smile:

does it mean I can design a checkout and with Wappler’s API Connector integrate it with Stripe and accept payments ?

Basically, does it mean that now we can build an e-commerce and membership site in Wappler ?

If yes, will there be a tutorial for it on docs ?
If yes, I need a Pro License for that right ?

Yes Ari you can do that you can follow the Stripe API docs and do as you wish.

So just follow the workflow of Stripe as they are explaining it in their docs.

We can’t provide docs about this here in Wappler as we don’t want to replicate their docs.

With the server API action you can now call any Stripe API endpoint and pass the data it requires.

You can even use the sample output from their docs to easily generate the API call Schema in Wappler. Just paste it in the source panel in the define API schema dialog


And yes it’s time to get PRO license with those pro things you will be doing :slight_smile:

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