Integer query returns undefined is not permitted?

I am trying to filter a db for integer equaling specific numbers, I get this error? Any numeric operating i attempt gives this message. Is this a known bug and is there a fix?


This is a live db and the site is essentially functioning ok, but I am getting weird behavior where querys are giving seemingly random values in certain querys… any advice?

My local docker version also gets the same error

I’m not familiar with the screen area you show, but it throws an error about the operator, so does the drop down that says “equals” have an option “==”?

The other issue with integers can be when you read null (which isn’t an integer) or read the string “123” which isn’t an integer either.

In this case you need (a) to check for null and assign 0, and/or (b) use the .toNumber() function.

But maybe you knew those things already…

Good luck!

Yea so this is the screen where you can look at / filter and edit your database tables. So these are existing integers that are not null or 0, they have values and you can see some of them in my main screenshot