Install private github repository for extensions


The current steps to add extensions for App Connect works directly with only public repositories in npm or github.


To install extensions from a private github repository you need to write directly in the package.json file this data:

    "dependencies": {
        "package-name": "git+https://<username>:<access_token>{branch|tag}"

Now to obtain the access_token you need to login into your Github account and open Setting->Developer setting, or follow this url

Generate a new token, you can grant access only to selected repository and in the permissions tab grant “Read-only” access level to “Contents” Permissions:

Now copy the token and replace it into the <access_token>

Then in the file project.json inside .wappler hidden folder in your root project directory add the same name of you new dependencie package-name inside the extensions key, if dont have this object create it:

"extensions": [
      "name": "package-name"

Finally in Terminal inside Wappler just write npm install, this will downloaded the expected files from your github.

Restart Wappler and new extension is available.


Allow to implement private repository from github directly in the Project Settings->Extensions->Add Extension.

Just in case, Github private repositories are “Free” and NPM private has a cost of $7/m, so, github is a better option for private stuffs.

@George, maybe exist in roadmap an own Wappler Extensions Market where probably you can have absolutly control of extensions and maybe, just maybe allow to users sell extensions?

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